Park & Trails Committee

The purpose of the Parks & Trails Committee is to review and understand all green and open space preservation lands within the Town of Clayton. The Parks & Trails Committee considers what lands or areas, if any, that could be preserved by private ownership with proper zoning and make recommendations for any changes to the Town of Clayton’s development plan. The goals and objectives of the committee will serve as guidelines to improve the Town’s park system, protect environmentally sensitive areas and provide additional recreational activities for the public. The Town of Clayton Parks & Trails Committee meetings take place at 5:00 pm on the second Wednesday of every month at the Town of Clayton meeting room, 8348 Hickory Ave, Larsen, WI. We welcome all members of the community who want to get involved with our important work!

Committee Members

Committee Member #1
Committee Member #2
Committee Member #3
Committee Member #4
Committee Member #5
Town Board Representative

8348 Hickory Ave
Larsen, WI 54947